This is a my favourite post so far, am I’m still reading my way through the back log. I’m really interested in the part Hawthorn plays in the boundary. You mention it in the magical spot you found, intermingled with the dog rose. Two best friends. Both tasty to eat at the right time of year. You can make hawthorn edible leathers strips. Very tasty. Where I come from if a solitary hawthorn is cut down (obviously solitary in a field or hedgerow) your family will immediately suffer the consequences. A member of yours family will die. It’s such a powerful story that the people where I come from wouldn’t talk about it for fear of drawing the attention of the Shí. My school was very rural, lots of agricultural background (west of Ireland) everyone had a story about it. Even my primary school head master who encouraged us to take heed and not ever cut one down. It was a haven of the Shíeoige and likely a boundary to their domain. A gateway. . I forgot about it completely until I read this. Thank you for reminding me. ♥️

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Thank you for the rose and elderflower soda, Sophie! 😄

On a recent visit, walking through the woods in England, I gathered ripe red elderberries and made some jam, which was exquisite. Thank you for the memory of that!

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Hi Avril! My pleasure; thank you for reading! Ah yes, I love making things from elderberry. I've been having elderberry syrup the past few days as I was feeling a bit run down, and now I'm feeling much better. A very powerful tree! I will definitely be writing a post about elder in the future. Warmest wishes, Sophie

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I love this: 'ancient and wild places can be complicated; they are often a cauldron that swirls with many presences, human and non-human; physical and non-physical; each with its own direction of travel and intention.'

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Thank you, Sarah! That's very much how certain places can feel to me. Have you also had that experience?

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Sophie : I most definitely see that 'boundary magic' as the thicket entering One's Wild Wood. In your asking of those with the intention of entering the forest of this inner-owned visage - as brambles and thicket protects - those ready to embrace the causation bleeding of stories and pulling branches of mind will arrive in the shared forests midst (and mist).

It's no guarantee that all here will be of protection and intent - as with the public form - yet, as with your eagerness to be here, share, unfold for us willing to be with your story - as it shows ours reflected - I would hope that there is truth is stating "All shared will be All Truth" - only able to be crafted by 'That which is you' Sophie.

Blessed Be

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Thank you, Jacob! I appreciate your thoughtful response. Probably a theme 'to be continued' further down the line, as there are so many different ways to look at the idea of boundaries, what they are and how we make them. Warmest wishes

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Beautiful words ⭐️

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Thank you so much, Laura. This really does mean a lot as I begin to share stories. I appreciate your taking the time to read and comment. With warmest wishes, Sophie

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Beautiful Sophie! Boundary magic!! Need some…whole world needs some…❤️

All ears….

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Thanks so much, Colm. Your reading this and being here means a lot. Yes...the more I think about it, the more the idea of boundaries and how we make them feels incredibly complex. Perhaps something to write more about in the future?

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Thank you so much, Oranges! As I take the step of sharing stories it really does mean a lot to read this comment and know that you are reading. With warmest wishes, Sophie

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Love this! Can't wait to read more

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Hattie! It's wonderful to see you here. Thank you so much for reading the story, and for this encouragement. Now... to decide what comes next!

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Hattie! It's wonderful to see you here. Thank you so much for reading the story, and for this encouragement. Now... to decide what comes next!

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